It’s just dawn outside Xiaozhulou.

Sensing that the Baiyun Tower and the little red bird broke through the tower and woke up leisurely in the clear pool, they whispered, "It’s quite quick to come out …"
The tower spirit and exquisiteness revealed an idea from the tower body, and without saying much, they fled back to the small tower.
"It’s interesting to see the small world rules so quickly. It seems that you need to worry about it in the future …" Qing Chi whispered.
It took a long time for Baiyunlou to get used to the body and find the feeling of being a man again.
The little red bird is adapting quickly, but it is returning to some weak people, and some people are discontentedly drooping their long tails, but then they feel that the body knowledge seems to be much stronger, and suddenly they have the spirit to look at the little tower and seem to be fascinated.
Some time to find out the Baiyun Tower also sensed that the body and mind are strong, and nearly 30% is worth practicing kung fu in a month on weekdays.
Originally, this exquisite tower was left to Qingyun’s younger brother by Elder Martial Sister Qingchi. I didn’t expect it to be so powerful that it could really be used to cultivate physical knowledge.
If the body and mind are strong, the cultivation will be faster, and the exercise will be helpful and the interest will naturally rise.
It seems that Elder Martial Sister Qingchi has made some efforts to help herself, and she has condensed all the gains from her dream avenue and her dream trip to the East some time ago.
Xie Qingchi gave a little smile and said, "This little tower is refined, so you can raise your income by knowing the sea. In addition to the teacher’s knowledge of the sea, you can raise this tower by asking your heart."
This tower is very important to Qingyun’s younger brother. Since Baiyun Tower is not polite, it will slowly refine itself after entering the tower.
The small pagoda, which has a smooth semi-wick fragrance and exquisite cooperation with refining and chemical engineering, has been cultivated by the initial refining and chemical income of Baiyun Tower.
"A day in the tower is just an hour in the human world …" The Baiyun Tower has a slight induction and muses.
"The tower world is really so practical, and the real time flow rate of those small worlds is not the same. If the younger brother is lucky enough to go to the real other small world, he will feel it himself." Qingchi nods.
"The cloud floor know …"
Just then, Fire Shine woke up in a daze and looked at the big brother. He immediately said with some sobs, "The big brother said yesterday that it’s New Year’s Eve and children can beg for lucky money."
Clear pool smiled and pinched the fire shine little face "remember this early in the morning …"
"Lucky money? Brother has already prepared this with …" Baiyun Tower conveniently took out a string of red rope, braided copper coins and handed it to Fire Shine.
Fire shine immediately took a string of copper coins and squinted. "What a beautiful string of money. One, two … Hey hey, you can buy four sugar-coated haws."
Hearing this, Baiyunlou quickly handed over a handful of scattered copper coins and said, "Don’t tear down this string of lucky money for the time being. There are still many more copper coins."
Fire shine eyes a bright and smiling to dozens of pieces of copper into the waist small treasure bag.
New Year’s Eve, the most solemn festival in the summer country, family reunion, saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new year.
Early in the morning, the whole Luoshui county is full of peace and harmony. The small bamboo building and Baiyun building are very emotional when watching the terran fate in Luoshui county.
At this time, the fate has soared more than double that of a few months ago. It is the will of the people to live and work in peace and contentment after all.
"Male …" At this moment, a green ant called from the floor.
Looking at the small bamboo building and Baiyun Building, he muttered, "This is persistent …"
After saying that, he jumped to the floor and took the wooden basin from the green ant. He asked, "Didn’t you say that you slept until you woke up naturally?"
"Is the natural wake up …"
"When you are a family, you should call your eldest brother."
"Good male … big … elder brother …"
"Forget it. Let’s call it Gong. I’ll just call you Xiao Mei."
Chapter three hundred and seventy-five Fireworks are brilliant
New Year’s pictures, couplets, younger brothers and sisters, and cleaning the front and back of the house, the whole white courtyard looks brand-new
After moving a few cases, the Baiyun Tower condensed into the mind and wrote a lot of’ Fu’ on red paper, and then pasted the doorman’s colonnades everywhere, adding a bit of New Year’s cheer.
Today is the most leisurely day in the summer country. No one else is in a hurry. Even the Chaoyang Chamber of Commerce closed its doors early. The shopkeepers and guys went home for the New Year.
Baiyun Tower took Aunt’s backyard and sat around for a while, but it didn’t stop Aunt’s love of worrying and being busy. It was said that she went to the kitchen to cook stew, and two special dishes, green ants, hurried to help.
The warm sun shines in the yard, distracting me from practicing Yu Baiyun Tower, taking out my childhood collection and sharing it with Meng Yu, and Dad couldn’t help but go there and watch it with relish.
It will be a little late, and the sound of firecrackers kicked off the New Year’s Eve.
With the sound of firecrackers, the White House New Year’s dinner was also served.
After eating the New Year’s Eve dinner, the fire can’t wait to pull everyone out to set off fireworks.
Just now, when the firecrackers were set off at the door, the fire shine could not help but put two fireworks, and I have been thinking about watching them all the time when I was eating.
I’m afraid that my mother will worry about the direct operation of the Baiyun Tower, and the magical power will help me clean up the dishes and dishes, and everything will be as clean as new in ten minutes.
Niang looked dumbfounded and muttered, "It’s neat to work … I’ll cook food taken late at night for you when I come back."
Fire shine cheerfully pulled Niang to sit in the bamboo pavilion outside the white courtyard, saying that it was fun for Niang to watch.
"It’s just fireworks. It’s been decades …" Niang muttered.
I was shocked by the fireworks set off by Huo Linger before the words stopped. What kind of fireworks is this? This is the fire tree and silver flower.
Fire shine pours fire aura into fireworks, which are not only more spectacular but also more lasting.
With several larger fireworks flying around, they burst open and bloom like a beautiful flower, which is as touching as a flowing fire.
Unique fireworks caused the city to shake, and many neighbors exclaimed that beautiful things can always shock people.
Bai Torre looked at the blossoming fireworks outside the bamboo pavilion with his hands behind his back, but his face was swaying as usual. After all, he had seen the world.
"Master Bai, why is your fireworks so … so wonderful?" A neighbor couldn’t help asking.
"Cloud building brought back from the hospital special …" White Torre freely replied.
"The school is really extraordinary …" The neighbor sighed and turned to watch the fun around him. "Don’t be naughty again in the year, study hard and try to get a good job and report to the school …"
"Know dad …"
"… see the fireworks? It was brought back from the courtyard by the White House." The origin of the magical fireworks opened in Luoshui County.

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