上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 The commander has reached an order to send the solidification god out quickly, but this god is too big and quite … It is difficult to transport again.

The commander has reached an order to send the solidification god out quickly, but this god is too big and quite … It is difficult to transport again.

Therefore, the commander decided to directly transport the missile components to the location of the gods and assemble them locally to abandon the missiles and fly them out.
It’s much easier than transporting it back.
Now the assembly troops have taken action. They have transported a large number of pieces to the God’s location and assembled them quickly.
"They seem to assemble quickly."
And some local scholars also pay attention to this assembly process.
This is a dark building, to be exact. From this window, you can see that the street is being assembled in the distance.
Now God can’t see the original shape, because its body is covered with a solid metal shell by the dust crocodile army, so it looks more like a huge missile
But it’s not finished yet, such as the engine and some other work. The dust crocodile troops are accelerating their efforts
"They feel the wrath of God." "They think they will be killed. They are afraid of their actions."
In this room, in addition to the elite scholars and mechanical dust crocodiles, the two brain monsters are also here because of them.
The former brainiac helped them repel one army after another, and later the brainiac made brain waves make those troops hallucinate and lure them.
And scholars, they also have to sneak into this position.
This location is very close to the location of the shrine, and the residents of the building have already left the building, so they can hide in this building and make a battle plan.
However, scholars want to know what these two brainmakers and gods are more than the fixed battle plan, but they have asked for the route many times and the brainmakers have not answered it seriously once.
"now it’s time for us to act!" The elite looked at the situation outside the window seriously and said, "If they are assembled and launched, it will be over. This assembly must be blocked!"
"So what are you going to do?" Asked the scholar
"They make the engine a new type of explosive power engine," said the elite. "If this engine is detonated, it is very powerful and should be able to wake up God because it has just fallen asleep and needs to wake up … the energy is not as much as before."
"Are you going to detonate the engine?" The mechanical dust crocodile said, "That will definitely kill many crocodiles."
"It’s nothing," said the elite. "Kill some soldiers but the whole race can be saved!"
"But what should he do when he wakes up?" The scholar asked, "will the commander continue to attack it?"
"There are very few frozen missile depots," the elite said. "These things have been discontinued for a long time … the first launch is the first surplus … that’s why the leader sent it out so quickly. If God wakes up again, they can’t stop it."
"Look, this is the engine transporter!"
The elite pointed to the street and passed a large vehicle like a truck. "Now I must act …" Then the elite looked at the scholar and the mechanical dust crocodile and the two brainteasers behind. "You will help me … won’t you?"
"Of course …" The mechanical dust crocodile said, "If this is my birthplace, I will protect it and I will seek guidance from God."
"I … will" scholars also promised that Taoists would recognize that it does have this choice now, and it really wants to know this … God when it comes.
"Answer its call!" "Pursuing the way of killing!" "Go! To challenge your limit! " "Let them know what a real bite is!"
Brain waves inspired the elite to look at the creature. It shouted, "Good … then let’s act!" "
Bang!’ At the same time, the elite suddenly hit the window, and the whole window immediately responded with fragments flying all over the sky. At that moment, the elite jumped to the street outside.
"You …" The scholar looked at the elite who jumped from more than ten meters high but landed safely and couldn’t help questioning "Is there …"
"I’m sorry to keep it from you, but I have another bottle of … physical strengthening medicine," said the elite. "But this is really the last bottle. Let’s act!"
"…" The scholar didn’t say anything. It walked out of the window with the mechanical dust crocodile and two brain-making monsters. Although it was said that some of the ways to reach the ground were crawling and some were flying, they all settled in the street.
"They are the fugitives!" And street soldiers immediately found them, and a large number of weapons took aim at them in an instant.
"Accept the bite!" Two brain monsters rushed out and strong brain waves spread to these soldiers, and their weapons suddenly fell to the ground, and they stood still and trembled.
"Forward! Target transport vehicle! " The elite shouted and ran to the driveway while more soldiers gathered around.
They didn’t have a fire, but they ran this way.
"Don’t get in the way!" The elite swung it out with one punch, directly flying a soldier in front and knocking down several soldiers behind.
With the elite, pounce again to make the physical strength kick down the surrounded soldiers several times.
Scholars feel that they don’t even need their help.
"How can it be so powerful!" "If you move again, we will be angry!" When the soldiers around them saw this situation, they raised their weapons one after another, and the brain waves echoed by the brain monsters made them throw their weapons again.
Scholars think that the brainiac has also become more powerful than before, which may be related to God.
The elite flew away a few soldiers who had not finished throwing weapons. After clearing the obstacles, they ran all the way forward. The elite cooperated with the brainiac, and no soldier could get close to them.
Scholars and mechanical dust crocodiles don’t need to do anything … just run with them.
"That’s it! We will destroy it! " A large truck elite appeared in front, and immediately accelerated its running and grabbed the car with a leap, followed by the rear and climbed to the container.
When the scholar saw it, he immediately hit his flying device. With a roar, it flew from the ground and landed firmly in the truck.
And the mechanical dust crocodile flew in the same way, and the last two brain monsters also ran and climbed up quickly.
"Great, we are all here!" Elite glanced around, while the truck had stopped, surrounded by a large number of guards, and several chariots were aimed at here in the distance.
"… what should I do now?" The scholar asked the elite
"You are surrounded!" A soldier shouted to his face, "surrender quickly or else!"
"I’ll go first …" The elite whispered to the scholars. "I’ll run to the cab and hit the back of the container so that you can get into the container. But there’s a problem … that is, you have to be alive while I run over."
"That’s no problem," the scholar looked around the soldiers and said, "They certainly won’t attack here with heavy weapons, and there are them … but brain waves interfere with soldiers." The scholar looked at the ingenuity.
Lack of energy, need to eat, interfere with the law, can’t hinder, but can support and live.
"… is it? As long as you can resist, "said the elite," then I will … "
"You don’t come! This is the last time! " The soldier shouted, "The commander has indicated that it can be killed!"
"lost!" The elite suddenly shouted, and at the same time, the container ran wildly, and the guns around it also sounded like a storm at the same time, which hit the truck and made several cracks.

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