上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 "Don’t do this, everyone. I’m not going in to die, so I’m sure I’ll lose to hades!" Xiao Fan smiled and spread his hand and said, "This is the last moment facing our six realms. Let’s get up and prepare for the battle!"

"Don’t do this, everyone. I’m not going in to die, so I’m sure I’ll lose to hades!" Xiao Fan smiled and spread his hand and said, "This is the last moment facing our six realms. Let’s get up and prepare for the battle!"

Then he gave Xin Ziqing a deep look at Judo. "If I can come back alive … I will still entrust my back to you to take care!"
Soon Xiao Fan’s figure flashed fiercely and he got into the black hole.
The powerful black hole force instantly twisted Xiao Fan’s figure, and the violent force was overflowing, and the black airflow swelled and directly involved him in the eternal darkness!
Here, time and space have been torn like silk threads, which makes Xiao Fan feel like traveling through trillions of years!
"Xiao Fan didn’t expect you to actually come here and … it’s really courageous of you to dare to come alone!" Hades Xiao Fan ear rings.
Soon a tall black figure appeared in front of Xiao Fan.
"hades!" Xiao Fan steady body stare at the huge figure was low and said
"Hum, we meet again, Xiao Fan. I have to say that you are really amazing. After meeting in the underworld, it is obvious that you have grown to such a horrible level, not to mention that you are a rare genius even if you add three realms!"
"oh? It’s really an honor to get all the praise from Pluto, Xiao Fan! "
"It’s a pity that you chose the wrong opponent and I have to completely kill you again, but … Wang Nian, you are gifted and don’t want to destroy you personally. Wang Ke will give you one last chance. If you are willing to become a king, Wang Ke-wang, a soul slave, will not pursue your sins everywhere!"
"I became a generation, but you let me be a dog in the end? Sorry, I’m not interested in that kind of begging! " Xiao Fan disdain waved the neck way
"Hum, there’s no way out. Since you don’t want to go from there, don’t blame the king. Kill your king and then absorb the peacock king. Then he will devour the whole six realms and the outside world and then kill the three realms to become the overlord of the nine realms!" Hades sound ferocious.
"Are you? It’s a pity that even if you kill me, I’m afraid there’s no way out of here. I’ll try my best to seal you here! " Xiao Fan said with a wave of his sleeve, at the same time, he released the fairy pen, the soul of Yin and Yang, and the gold square brick, which exuded more powerful fluctuations and revolved slowly around it.
"Ha, ha, ha, don’t I know what are you going to do? Don’t forget that this is my territory, and everything that happens here can’t escape my eyes! " Hades laughed. "Are you going to come in and contain the king yourself and let your partner arrange the seal array outside the black hole?"
"oh? How can you hold your breath now that you know? " Xiao Fan picked his eyebrows.
Law "hinder just seal Murphy Wang Zhen will look in? I might as well tell you that the king is not only in control of death! " Hades said faintly, "Have you ever heard of … matrix force?"
"Matrix force? Is it the general name of the power released by the celestial array method? " Xiao Fan’s eyes shrank slightly.
"Ha, ha, ha, yes, I have mastered the matrix force, that is to say, the theory of this day is that the array method enchantment has no effect on me!"
"What? Actually … Is there such a thing? " Xiao Fan was completely shocked, which he never thought of.
"Say … although you are powerful, you are still too young, too short in practice and too shallow in knowledge. What can you do with Wang Dou?" Hades sneered.
"Take what? It is enough to have the will to knock you down! " Xiao Fan eyebrows a porridge in an instant has been sublimated into a limit close to the fairy force boundary force filled with life and death, cause and effect, and Yin and Yang several powerful than special forces in an instant, which makes the black virtual around push away from the surrounding.
"It’s amazing that you already have nearly 100 million boundary forces, and with your special forces attached, your boundary forces actually have a little fairy force effect …" After feeling the power released by Xiao Fan, Pluto was also secretly shocked.
"Hades ordered it!" Xiao Fan is cold and low-pitched. Behind him, several pairs of wings condensed by different forces hum and shake, and a huge six-color halo emerges.
He is different from these six-color auras!
Color represents life and death, black and white, black and white, plus yin and yang, black, gray and white, and purplish blue, the dark gold of cause and effect!
This is weirder than a halo, even among the three worlds, I’m afraid no one has ever seen it! No one can have it!
While this weird aura appeared behind Xiao Fan!
Although it is still very illusory, it also represents Xiao Fan’s extraordinary!
"Hum you Xiao Fan! Come on, Wang has never met anyone who can be evenly matched since he came to the Six Realms. You are the first and last one! " Hades arms a laugh.
Can let hades say such a thing to show Xiao Fan has to pay attention to at this time.
"Hades, show me your true self and fight with me!" Xiao Fan suddenly and violently punched at Pluto.
In an instant, the roar of heaven and earth and the virtual vibration gathered together enough to transform all six realms into instant dust, and a falling meteor slammed into the huge black figure of hades!
Xiao Fan’s fierce battle against Hades decided the life and death of the six realms!
Chapter 51 Decisive battle hades (2)
"Boom!" The violent collision makes the energy ripple spread wildly around.
Fortunately, the density here is extremely thick and virtual, and even if it is subjected to a heavy impact, it will not be unusual. Otherwise, if it is an ordinary world, I am afraid that this collision power alone will make a world collapse and smash several times!
"Bang!" Hades that huge black shadow with a sudden shock immediately staggered back a few steps to stabilize himself.
"Hmm … what a powerful blow!" The keeper said angrily, "It makes my arms feel a little numb!"
"Hades, I advise you to fight with me seriously. Don’t fight with me in the form of your divine knowledge, you know!" Xiao Fan picked the eyebrows leisurely way
"no? It really seems that … I have to deal with you seriously and try my best to show you what it is to make people feel scared and look up to worship! "
"Oh, oh, let me have a look. I can’t wait!"
"Hum ….." Hades sneered at the huge black figure that suddenly split in two from the chest, and then a normal person’s size and posture stepped out from it.

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