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What do you mean by saying the most hard words and showing the most humbled expression?

This is
The cute Jill Wheeler is like this!
This shows that the guardian Lilith Quinn is really conscientious on weekdays.
"(Xia Sonia) Lilith, you are a big bad guy. Jill hates you …"
Staring red eyes and rising a small mouth angrily, this is the little lovely Jill at this time, but she doesn’t know that in a few days, she will feel guilty and guilty about her attitude at this time.
"(Xia Sonia) As you wish, you can stay out of this mess, let alone slap you, or break your leg. I’m sure the old clan will forgive me."
As for Lilith Quinn, she doesn’t know that she will be devastated by this memory and feel ashamed of her actions.
"(Xia Sonia) Jill, let’s just do it today. Go out and play by yourself. I have something to talk about with your second uncle …"
Scene after scene of the past is replayed as if the film is being rewound. The story is full of nostalgic temperature, but a thick layer of glass will separate it.
"(Xia Sonia) I don’t have to follow what you say. I have to hug my second uncle. I have to listen to what secrets you can tell my second uncle …"
Maybe Gilwell can’t predict the future, maybe she won’t understand at all, and some things can be accepted once they are gone, but when she can understand this truth one day, those who should be gone will eventually leave, and when they are gone, they will eventually disappear in the long river of history.
"(Xia Sonia) I don’t listen? Second … "
Maybe at the end of the day, Lilith Quinn will feel remorse for her trip, but she will feel remorse for it, but she won’t regret it, because for her, Gilwell is the only future in her heart, and her eyes are full of hope, which she always believes and never doubts.
"(Xia Sonia) Jill won’t be afraid of you, you old witch …"
Maybe in the end, I will be ashamed of my trip and feel heavy guilt when I leave Gilwell, but what can it do? She can’t turn the clock back, and she can’t stop it. The only thing she can do is to live with the clock, to live for her ancestors’ dreams and to live for her future. What else can she do?
Maybe there’s nothing Jill Wheeler can do!
"(Xia Sonia) Jill, I hope you can understand that everyone really loves you very much, and it is precisely because of such a love in everyone’s heart that this is the condition for everyone to cover your mistakes. You point out your habits and guide you towards a brighter future, but now you are too immature and too weak. At this time, you are like those young birds in the bird’s nest that are still in need of feeding. At this stage, we adults should protect you, which is not to protect your personal safety, but to protect your heart. Wisdom protects what you know, the principle of recognizing things protects your childhood from being invaded by troubles, and so on. Because in the eyes of adults, a child like you deserves a more dreamy childhood and a happier memory. Jill, I really hope you can grow up happily. Can you understand me? "
This moment belongs to the expression of true feelings, and it belongs to the softest place in Lilith Quinn’s heart. What she will do is to show her vulnerability in front of Gilwell, in order to tell the other person what position she holds in her heart and how important she holds in her heart.
This love is really replaceable!
"(Xia Sonia) Bad Lilith, I’m under the age of this year. How can I understand your words …"
Maybe at some point in the future, Gilwell will suffer from what he said and complain about his mistakes, but if he does it, the mark will be erased and the memory will be deleted. It can stay quietly in the depths, be gradually forgotten and be gradually indifferent.
When the memory fades over time, maybe the only thing that won’t be lost because of forgetfulness is the regret that grows out of guilt.
So for Lilith Quinn, Jill Wheeler is the last person in her heart to give up.
And for Jill Weiler, Lilith Quinn is the most unforgettable person in her heart.
This is a feeling that transcends family glory and is the most sincere feeling in the world.
And such feelings are maternal love.
It is a mother’s love for her children, and it is a child’s love for his mother’s true feelings.
This kind of love will make people feel heavier than before, but it will also make people feel more at ease.
Because of this, there is a lost love of heaven that can never be found again.
However, for Gilwell, she is too young to understand how important Lilith Quinn is to her, and she can’t understand why there will be a role like Lilith Quinn in her life.
This kind of role sometimes makes her feel bored, sometimes makes her feel more sad than being close, and sometimes makes her feel more sad than being sad. At this stage, Gilwell’s mind is still unable to fully understand this complicated feeling, but it is better. She still has plenty of time to study this love, and she still has plenty of opportunities to figure out this feeling.
But for Lilith Quinn, she is not so lucky as Gilwell, because she doesn’t know exactly when and why she let Gilwell, an outsider, take root in her heart.
Can’t be pulled out, because once this emotional root is pulled out, she will die.
Can’t be abandoned, because of this mutual bondage, once abandoned, she will go crazy.

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