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The jumping point feels like a long journey compressed so that creatures can experience it for a short time.

Actually, this experience is not short for the living thing to feel.
Every creature that enters the jumping point will feel that it has experienced a long time … Generally, creatures will automatically … imagine the details of various experiences during this time.
How connected is this imaginary experience with the distance where the creature wants to reach, but it is not complete.
For example, if a creature reaches its destination at its own speed, it will take more than 1,000 years to get there … and it will take about one year to get there when it enters the jumping point.
But there is a long experience for sure.
A jumping point can jump to many different positions, which is mainly because a jumping point can set many different directions.
Reach different positions by feeling different lengths of experience. Of course, all the position settings of most jumping points are very old, and there is no new position setting for a long time.
Abandoned land is a relatively new setting.
I don’t know the specific reason, but it is always abandoned by many unpredictable creatures.
Some creatures are far away from the abandoned place, but they still know the abandoned place.
Of course, these creatures don’t want to go to the abandoned land
It is said that a few creatures are interested in the abandoned land and want to study it, while most creatures realize that they should stay away from it when they know that there is such a huge waste gathering area.
Many creatures have also developed a sense of disgust for it.
After a long time, many jumping points have appeared "channels" that go directly to … abandoned land.
It’s different from the usual arrival method, that is, Lynn knows that she needs to stop all imaginary experiences in her mind and feel as if everything has abandoned her in the dark … so she can reach the abandoned place.
The reason why the jumping point can be abandoned seems to be wonderful. It seems that it is not because of the desire of living things, but because of the disgust of living things there.
But no one knows the specific reason.
There is also the abandoned land, which seems to have really abandoned itself.
There are quite a few biological communities around the original abandoned land, and everything is gathered into the original abandoned land because of the residues they produce.
But then it seems that a large number of jumping points connected the abandoned land, and the abandoned land itself moved its position.
Abandoned and went to a place where there are almost no resources in a large area around.
Therefore, when the creatures who go to the abandoned land try to leave the abandoned land for virtual exploration, they will find that there is nothing around them and have to return to the abandoned land to find the source of life from the residue.
Of course, most creatures don’t even have the ability to leave there.
Abandoned land has been maintained in this "abandoned" state.
Moreover, the passage in this place is one-way
That is, there is no jumping point in the abandoned land to return to the original place.
Another point is that almost all biological consciousness will gradually weaken after life is abandoned for a long time.
Some creatures noticed this incident and thought that the abandoned land was a good place for exile.
They deliberately throw some special biological methods to the abandoned land. These creatures are usually trapped and abandoned, and it is difficult to leave there.
And then a long time passed.
Abandonment has formed a unique ecology, which is full of creatures that can decompose waste.
And there is a creature that benefits the environment here.
Chapter one hundred and seventeen Understanding
"Many creatures need to be abandoned to reach this place, but some don’t."
These special creatures, like Lin, are all core creatures of thinking.
This creature mainly has a characteristic called’ absolute consciousness’
Simply put, it is difficult to be influenced by other implied signals.
Unpredictably, it is full of various signals, many of which will directly affect biological thinking.

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