"What conditions?"

"I’ve had enough! I don’t want any more brains. I need a body! " Indigo roared.
"You said this is it?"
In a corner of the manor, a head separation robot with a height of 100 meters was thrown into the corner.
"Yeah, theoretically, the enclosure is a factory."
Not far from Zhuang, he suddenly remembered that Qiaohao once said
This combat structure is a huge weapon specially made to deal with stone walkers
But once they are as big as war dogs, they need to be upgraded and developed to become bigger.
Like some kind of mechanized creature
And it’s still a miniature factory.
However, the closure has been destroyed, and it is too precise. It can be said that it is the highest creation of factory owners. Now the manor has no ability to repair it.
What’s there to repair the factory by law?
"Do you remember the bead I gave you?" Indigo emperor asked.
Not far from Zhuang, one leng stretched out his hand and pulled out a round bead.
Gray beads are not much bigger than marbles. They are very inconspicuous.
When Zhuang was not far away, it was this column that lured him into locking and delayed his duel.
Locking seems to be very bad for this thing.
"This bead is called the battle structure core."
"It is to repair the fighting structure, and it is equivalent to an extra life." Emperor Indigo sighed. "Please put this pearl in my mouth."
"I really don’t want to do this … I didn’t expect me and the factory to become the people I hate the most in the end …" Emperor Indigo muttered with a bead and then suddenly bit.
Click one
Chapter 13 Be avenged, be avenged, be wronged!
Zhuang is not far away to hold the indigo emperor. At this time, I feel that the indigo emperor in my hand suddenly vibrates.
There seems to be a motor, and his head is spinning wildly.
Not far from Zhuang, I got a fright. I loosened my hand and rolled my head.
"Uh, sorry."
Not far from apologizing, Zhuang saw metal tentacles sticking out from the head of Emperor Indigo before he stopped.
Like octopus feet.
This tentacle propped up the ground and propped up the head of Emperor Indigo.
"Aha, hahaha, I can finally move again!" Indigo Huang has a face of heart
To be honest, this picture is a bit scary.
Jumping around with a head and laughing wildly, the heart villain will even be scared.
But Haozhuang is not far away, and the heart is quite big.
Indigo jumped a few times, and then the metal tentacles came out of his neck and crawled towards the locked body.
Climbed to the position where the head was pulled out, and its tentacles extended and drilled into the locked chest.
"Master Zhuang, please step back." Indigo Emperor said.
Not far from Zhuang, he retreated a few tens of meters and saw Indigo Emperor close his eyes.
Then the locked body twitched uncontrollably as if it had been hit.
Locking is so huge, so convulsed, and suddenly the earth shook, and Zhuang quickly retreated several steps.

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