上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 品茶论坛 As soon as the snow fell, she said, "Master, the demon has disappeared during this period!"

As soon as the snow fell, she said, "Master, the demon has disappeared during this period!"

Li Pingan said with emotion, "It’s late! How can you get rid of the fire? "
Qing Xue said, "Master, do you really want to slay the Soul Emperor after the war?"
"Those with deep karma bear the brunt of the catastrophe."
Qing Xue frowned and said, "You mean that the soul emperor will fall in the battle of the gods? But if the soul emperor plans successfully, he should be the strongest, right? !”
"The heavenly heart is unpredictable, and God’s will is like a knife, and it’s doomed to survive the battle of the gods."
Clear snow blinked at Li Pingan and said, "Master, do we stand idly by? Ignore those dead souls? "
Li Pingan looked up at Tian Youyou and said, "Maybe!"
"Master ~ had an accident! Out of the question "Shi Fang Bai Xiaochun ning acetylene trotted in from the outside.
Li Pingan asked, "What happened?"
Shi Fang Bai Xiaochun Ning acetylene ran to Li Pingan.
Shi Fang said solemnly, "Master, we just got the news that the soul world was destroyed and the soul emperor died."
Li Pingan sat in his seat for a long time before whispering, "Sure enough!" The figure flashed and disappeared in the Sanqing concept.
On the other side of the distance, Li Pingan once again came to the imperial capital of Lieyang to celebrate the difference. Now everyone in the imperial capital is driven out of his mind and full of sadness.
Li Pingan entered the fierce sun world directly and strode into the imperial palace of the fierce sun.
The fierce sun emperor still sat in the dragon chair, but he lost his former style and sat down with long hair.
"You’re here ~"
Li Pingan nodded. "What’s going on?"
"Ha ha ~" Fierce Yang Emperor smiled with a wave of his hand, and a scene emerged in front of him. There was a battle in the dead and empty, and the dragon soared and the dragon language magic poured down, while the orcs screamed and shouted slogans like blood-red orcs quarrelling and charged forward.
Tens of millions of demon emissaries were slaughtered. The Huang Jinlong world and the orcs entered the soul world and fought bitterly with the soul family.
What attracts Li Pingan most is the three distorted figures in the virtual space, which can’t be seen in battle, but all the strong people close to the battlefield are instantly shattered 3.
In the end, a golden knife light tore through the imaginary field for hundreds of millions of miles, as if the whole imaginary field was split in two and a half, and the terror surged out and destroyed everything around it, causing a scar that was longer than a terrible disaster. The soul emperor also fell this knife.
The picture faded and disappeared, and the Emperor Sun said painfully, "The soul world was slaughtered in front of us, and the soul emperor was killed and shattered in front of us, but we did nothing to help."
"Can the deity of the Lord God be shattered?"
The fierce sun emperor roared, "That’s an innate artifact!" Absurd laughed and cried, "Lost! We were defeated before we got there! !” Laugh, laugh, tears in your eyes
Li Pingan suddenly said, "This so-called war between the gods and being original will come to an end."
Fierce Yang emperor sneered and said, "End? In the first century, the strong did the same thing, and as a result, the eastern gods ushered in a massacre, you know? The whole virtual orientalization ruins are filled with blood deficiency. "
It looks like a crazy laugh and cries, "Ha ha ~ history is about to repeat itself. We have resisted again. Woo hoo ~ resisted again! !”
Li Pingan shook his head and disappeared in the fierce sun palace. At this moment, Ping-an Li’s heart is also very heavy. If he wants to stop the gods from fighting, he will help himself according to the unreliable character. It’s really hard to say that he needs to go back and talk to Sanqing Daozu now.
Li Ping-an’s figure reappeared in Sanqingguan backyard, and his face was very dignified.
Next to a few younger brothers also dare not say more honestly.
Li Pingan stretched out his hand and wiped the chessboard. The chessboard disappeared instantly, and silence emerged. One world flew in vain. Suddenly, he pointed to the chessboard and set the chessboard with a virtual shadow.
Qingxue asked doubtfully, "Master, what are you doing?"
Li Pingan said lightly that "the law of cause and effect draws fate."
There is a high-level plane called Yalong realm in the west of the imaginary domain. There are a lot of Yalong beasts and some ordinary dragons in this world, while other races are struggling in this world
At the moment, Bai Jin is sitting on a cliff near the sea and looking at the sea. I don’t know if my father and mother miss me. You should miss me after such a long time, right? ! But why not send me a flying crane sound? Are their flying crane notes broken?
"boss ~"
"Boss, we’re coming for you."
"Boss, we caught a lot of big crabs!"
Several calls rang out one after another.
Bai Jin jumped up, turned around and walked towards the surface, calling out, "Children go home ~"
A group of small children greeted Bai Jinhuan and walked towards the city with a smile.
After entering the city, Bai Jin went directly into the castellan’s mansion. Ten years ago, Bai Jin and Wechat business came to this world and lived in this Linyuan city. Because of Wechat business’s efforts to beat back several times, the people of the city pushed the castellan.
Entering the Lord’s Mansion, Bai Jin scampered towards it and shouted "Grandpa ~"
Wechat business came out of the room, smoothed her little beard and said with a smile, "Where did you go to play today?"
Bai Jin smiled and said, "Go to the seaside!" Yang Yang held several big crabs in his hand and said, "Let’s catch them by the sea."
"Yes, grandpa will make you steamed crabs."
In the depths of the sea, there is a dragon’s nest, and a golden dragon is sleeping in the palace in the depths of the dragon’s nest, and his body is drowned by several gold, silver and jewels, snoring like thunder.

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