上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿夜网 Lin also wants to see if this pure cell structure can fight these armor.

Lin also wants to see if this pure cell structure can fight these armor.

"Mixed meat" moving huge body towards the front armor hit in the past, a total of ten of these armor.
Several people have raised their weapons, high-speed metal nails and mixed flesh have made blood holes one by one, and two armor have blocked the mixed meat, and they have emitted flames to this mass of meat.
This kind of cell structure is afraid of high temperature, but they can scorch the skin and mix the meat, and suddenly wave a long hand to fly the two armor.
Armor hit the rock next to it and moved on with the mixed meat.
Lynn found that those explosives armor just now seemed to be out of ammunition. They all changed rifles and kept firing … metal nails at the mixed meat.
These metal nails are so powerful that they can easily penetrate the skin of the mixed meat, breaking several limbs of the mixed meat and breaking a leg.
Is mixed meat with ten legs and falling blood limb meat also moved to climb around again.
Then … the mixed meat came to the front of these armor, and these armor were instantly shot out like just now.
Their defense ability is not very strong, although the flying armor will stagger to try to get up, but it will soon fall back.
It seems that there is no problem in solving ten problems, but the mixed meat has also suffered a lot.
Although the injury can be repaired, there will still be losses … and there are hundreds of armor in the cave ahead.
Just now, ten spies came after us when they escaped, but now it is impossible for this mixed meat to enter.
But Lin, just get a mixed armor and hit it
Or don’t need to play in … Looked around the armored Lin let mixed meat pick up a test.
I see …
There is also a lot of information in this.
These armor departments have a … it can be said to be a’ simulated nervous system’.
The reason why it is not directly called intelligent system is that Lin found that this nervous system is designed according to the neural structure of Ershmin.
It can be said that it is almost the same, but this is a mechanical structure.
And Lin can also learn some information from it.
It seems that Ershi people have … combined with … this construction system.
However, this kind of combination is usually unknown to the people of Ershi. In fact, most people of Ershi here don’t know that there is such a thing.
It was completely … hidden.
Chapter one thousand nine hundred and thirty The ancient expedition
It seems to go back a long time …
The first expedition set out from the shining biological home star and wandered around in the virtual space to explore.
What happened to this expedition and where it went … These are all uncertain states.
It was after a period of exploration that it came into a special state.
That is to stay somewhere in the virtual space and never move again.
This should be decided by the expedition construction system.
And the flash creatures in the expedition can’t object to this decision. They can stay here together.
In the long years, the expedition team was built and transformed.
The expedition is generally composed of a very large ship’ fortress mother ship’ plus some small naval forces.
The construction system brought these fleets together in the center of the "mother ship" and rebuilt them into a big … place.
Which is this …
….. It seems that every armor has "knowledge".
Lin in the cave …’ mixed meat’ arms are detecting a pile of armor just now.
These armor have a neural system modeled after the people of Ershi, and there is this information in them.
The information says something about the original history, but it doesn’t say what happened next. According to this history, it is confirmed that this is indeed the flash biological expedition … the original expedition.
It seems that there are some very old materials in these armor, but there are some wonderful things in them
That’s what Lin found … They simulate the nervous system department and occasionally some new data appear.
New data will disappear in a flash, simply put, it will be deleted, which is almost always the case in these armored nervous systems.
This makes Lin feel … it’s very strange.
But now we have to think about how to face the present situation.
Because Lin saw a large group of armor coming this way ahead, and they were so numerous that they almost … filled the cave ahead.
These troops seem to protect this place, but Lin didn’t detect anything from the simulated nervous system inside.
They can’t’ think’ yet, but they just hide some basic information.
Bang bang-Lin thought about when a large number of metal nails flew up.
The first batch of armor has reached the range, and they emit several barrage, which instantly smashed Lin’s head.
It seems that this mass of meat will stop here, but it is flying everywhere and micro-arms can move on.
Although these armor will sweep the surrounding ground with flames, they will always miss a lot.
These missed micro-arms, these armor passed through and headed for the cave behind them …

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