Giant trees rise and fall.

With the sunset and dusk, there is an indescribable beauty in the different world. There is no dust and smoke, no noisy crowds, and no concrete and steel behemoths … There is a hidden pressure in the air.
Of course, if it is a scenery, everything is still beautiful. Yang Guang thinks that if there is a scenic spot here, just selling tickets can make a profit.
However, the beautiful road is full of dead branches, fallen leaves hitting insects and animals passing by in a flash … all these make the wilderness road more difficult to walk.
Haven’t walked halfway up the mountain, Yang Guang felt that his back was about to straighten up.
At first, he was confident that he wanted to collect medicinal materials for wealth, but after more than an hour, he didn’t even meet plants with even a little value.
Just now, he has picked 30 kinds of plants and put them in the exchange box for exchange, and the exchange box has given him a response that makes him want to die.
"Value method for exchange!"
Damn it!
Yang guang almost spat out a mouthful of aged seventeen-year-old blood!
He’s done a lot of work with this page …
Will hide baggage solution to pick up a piece of dry meat to eat.
Light heat wrapped around feeling this wonderful feeling, and then Yang Guang had a whim.
He picked up another piece of dried meat and put it in the exchange box to confirm the exchange!
And with it comes joy!
Because just now Yang Guang stared at the wealth value, his wealth value was 3975, but it became 39975 with the exchange of dried meat.
It has increased by a full 1!
Yang Guanggen can’t believe that a piece of dried meat has increased so much wealth.
There are nearly 30 pieces of dried meat in the bag of hides. If it is exchanged, it at least means that he can exchange wealth of not less than 3.
But Yang Guang is impossible to exchange.
Although he is short of wealth, he is even more short of food.
After all, wealth is worth nearly 4 W. Even if there is no wealth, then he can live for four days.
But if there is no food, he probably won’t live for a day.
Of course, this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that since dried meat can be converted into wealth value, can the world food be converted into wealth value in another way?
Of course, planting is impossible.
Let alone whether he can get a kind of light, he can’t catch it when it is time.
And the real Yang guang consider not him but hunting!
Judging from the weapons left by the little orc leader, Yang Guang thinks that the little orc leader is probably a hunter. The follow-up of the light hole is a moment of curiosity and may be his factor. Anyway, Yang Guang, a slightly intelligent creature, doesn’t think it will carry a long knife with a bow and arrow and take food to a deserted place for several days.
Yang Guang thinks that if he hunts, he might be able to gain more.
After all, medicinal materials are all floating clouds, but prey is not flying in the sky and swimming in the water. If you can, you will be all prey.
And how to hunt with his poor strength alone?
Our ancestors couldn’t beat tigers, leopards and other wild animals by sheer strength, but how did these fierce beasts end up being moved to the table?
It’s not just a tool!
So Yang Guang feels that teaching knowledge is very great. The biggest difference between humans and animals is that people are not only primates, but also people can make tools.
Therefore, in this seemingly infinite way, Yang Guang definitely makes traps, and the main tool is the long knife at the foot of these arrows.
Yu Longgong … It seems nothing. Let it lie there quietly!
Yang guang became happy again after he figured it out. While it was still dark, he felt that he had better go back to the foot of the mountain first.
After all, everything in the other world is still a mystery to him. Although I heard something from Zhang Xiaoyu, those things are what Brother Zhang Xiaoyu saw and heard. There is no comparison between the two.
You know, eldest brother Zhang Xiaoyu is a war fighter. Take the little orc leader for example. I’m afraid eldest brother Zhang Xiaoyu will be able to kill him in minutes with one hand.
But Yang Guang can’t. Not only can’t he walk because of different world rules, let alone an orc warrior. Even the most common orc Yang Guang can’t handle it.
Even if it is relative to Zhang Xiaoyu’s eldest brother, it is natural to think that an environment is extremely dangerous for Yang Guang.
However, considering this level, Yang Guang just walked not far towards the mountain when he saw a pile of bones.
Just now, when he was in the mountains, he kept staring at the roots, but he didn’t pay attention to many of them.
"It’s like … animal bones! And it doesn’t seem to be an animal skeleton. "
Yang guang carefully looked at the bones not far from him and immediately made a judgment.
It is the same whether an animal’s skeleton is a head or a foot, and the construction of its foot base is almost the same.
However, although the bones in front of him were messy, Yang Guang found almost three or four animal bones. This alone is definitely not one!
But … since it’s not a …
Chapter 44 Weird presbyopia
It’s a pile!
What a pile of animal bones!
Yang guang felt a little dry in his throat, and he could see that those bones were not the kind of bones that had been weathered for a long time.
On the contrary, these bones are very new.
The sunset corner is a little crystal clear!
But these bones don’t even have any flesh left, just bones.
Yang guang was frowned!
He found out too. No!
Could it be left over from being eaten by a more powerful beast?
Just such a thought Yang Guang immediately denied it again.
If it’s leftovers from wild animals, at least there should be some flesh and blood left.
Although these bones look very new and shiny, they seem to be polished by something, and they are as smooth as jade without even a gap, just like the animal bones in his original world are called marks.
However, animal bone markers are made from some chemical raw materials.

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在快节奏的都市生活中,人们常常感到身心俱疲。为了缓解压力,寻找一种能够放松身心的休闲方式显得尤为重要。上海,这座繁华的国际大都市,提供了多种休闲选择,其中桑拿作为一种独特的放松方式,深受市民和游客的喜爱。 一、桑拿的起源与种类 桑拿起源于芬兰,已有千年的历史。它通过高温使人体大量出汗,达到消除疲劳、净化肌肤、增强免疫力的效果。上海桑拿的种类繁多,主要包括以下几种: 1. 芬兰桑拿:采用干燥高温的空气,使人体大量出汗,有助于排出体内毒素。 2. 挪威桑拿:与芬兰桑拿类似,但温度略低,更适合不喜欢高温的人群。 3. 土耳其浴:在高温环境下,通过蒸汽使人体出汗,同时配合按摩、水疗等环节,达到全身放松的效果。 4. 拉丁桑拿:结合了多种元素,如音乐、舞蹈、瑜伽等,使人在轻松愉快的氛围中放松身心。 二、上海休闲桑拿的特点 1. 设施齐全:上海的桑拿馆普遍设施齐全,包括桑拿房、汗蒸房、按摩室、水疗池、茶艺室等,满足消费者多样化的需求。 2. 服务优质:上海的桑拿馆服务人员专业、热情,能够根据消费者的需求提供个性化的服务。 3. 环境优雅:许多桑拿馆注重环境布置,采用中式、日式、欧式等风格,营造出舒适、放松的氛围。 4. 贴心服务:部分桑拿馆提供接送、餐饮、住宿等一站式服务,让消费者在享受桑拿的同时,感受到宾至如归的待遇。 三、上海休闲桑拿的体验 1. 舒缓身心:桑拿的高温环境使人体大量出汗,有助于消除疲劳、缓解压力,让人在轻松愉悦的氛围中恢复精力。 2. 净化肌肤:桑拿过程中,汗液带走皮肤表面的污垢,使肌肤变得更加光滑、细腻。 3. 增强免疫力:桑拿有助于提高人体免疫力,预防疾病。 4. 促进血液循环:桑拿使血管扩张,血液循环加快,有助于预防心血管疾病。 四、上海休闲桑拿的注意事项