上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 She listened to the struggle between the elders and the heads, the conspiracy of the three hall lords, and the two new worlds.

She listened to the struggle between the elders and the heads, the conspiracy of the three hall lords, and the two new worlds.

Rogue heard everything!
Gu Qingshan resisted the surging emotions and his face showed a little seriousness.
"Interrupt one"
He toward the two hall main way
"Before we continue our discussion, we want to trouble a master Zhao," he continued.
"What is it?" Zhao five hammer asked.
"My apprentice Ma wants Du Jie to canonize Lao Zhao. You are in charge of all the legal circles of Zongmen. I want you to do it conveniently."
Zhao Wu hammer was relaxed and said, "What is this?"
He pulled out a token and raised his hand.
Token flying in front of "Gu Qingshan"
"Seal the sacred land-let me think about it. Well, it’s probably the black rune circle in Du Jie’s circle. If you want the token to activate that circle, you will directly enter the virtual turbulence to seal the sacred robbery." Zhao Wu hammer said.
Ye Yingmei told one side, "Remember to open the token before you can activate the circle, otherwise the circle will send your apprentice out at random."
Gu Qingshan laughed. "I know that, but my apprentice is a troublemaker and a sword repairer. Sometimes he likes to take risks. I really can’t help him."
"No, this can’t be a joke," said Zhao Wu Hammer with awe.
He still has some love for kendo like Gu Qingshan.
Qi Yan didn’t accept the apprentice after finishing this kind of stuff. If you don’t explain things to the apprentice, "Gu Qingshan" will be worrying.
Thought of here, Zhao Wu hammer said, "Qi Yan, you haven’t officially accepted disciples or taught your disciples. Why don’t you give me Gu Qingshan and I’ll teach him Zongmen Jianfa?"
"You get Wang Hongdao first, then you can talk about him." Gu Qingshan said lightly.
Zhao Wu hammer immediately speechless.
When Ye Yingmei saw this, he said, "The virtual turbulence is vast and vast. If you can’t reach the border, the array will throw him anywhere. It’s hard to say whether you can come back."
"So you must be strict and let him go with the token," she urged.
"Of course I know this." Gu Qingshan received the token.
He immediately changed the subject and asked, "Have you discussed it? What can be done? "
Ye Yingmei said, "Actually, we also thought of a way to try to deal with Wang Hongdao."
"What way?" Gu Qingshan asked
He looked at Ye Yingmei’s corner of his eye, but he kept an eye on Rogue Lingyu mask.
Luo Cha mask quietly set the table motionless.
She has been here.
She listened carefully to the conspiracy of the three hall lords of Guangyangmen.
Chapter four hundred and forty-two Replacement
Ye Yingmei’s face is full of memories. "Over the years, we are not willing to be manipulated by him forever. We have spent a lot of time and resources quietly preparing."
Gu Qingshan nodded and motioned for the other party to continue.
Ye Yingmei said, "I know that Wang Hongdao is good at attacking tactics. I secretly refined a magic weapon that can resist his attacks several times."
Zhao Wu hammer said, "I know where he is most seriously injured. I have refined an attack magic weapon. Although it can be used once, its power must be good."
Ye Yingmei sighed, "This is what we are going to prepare him to spell mutually assured destruction."
"It’s not easy for you, either."
Gu Qingshan echoed at the same time, thinking rapidly about the present situation.
Rogue is the peak master of Luo Cha. Although she is not the highest, she got the order from Luo Cha. According to the rules of Luo Cha Peak, the four monks in the mysterious realm should also listen to her orders.
Until now, she still put on her mask.
There’s only one reason why she’s like this.
Like Ye Yingmei and Zhao Wu Hammer, she is not sure where Qiyan will hide the two world coordinates.
Without coordinates, we can locate and travel to those two worlds.
Without coordinates, the two worlds are just like the moon in the water and the attic roots can’t be found
Although Suo Wusan exposed the new world, he didn’t know the coordinates. For the two hall lords and Rogue, everything is equal to colloquialism, which has no practical significance.

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